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Author: tr.slate (Uploaded by puertoblack2003)
Date Added: 12-31-1969
Grade: Not Rated
After seeing the sweet sweet multi-touch I went looking and found the droid x dump over on android central. Only issue is droid x dump is 2.1 and i just updated to 2.2 frf83. Can anyone repack or resign or do whatever magic needs to be done to get this out to work with froyo?

Its the LatinIME.apk in the app folder.

[UPDATE 7-10]-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unfortunately Daneshm90 isnt able to work on the Froyo port of this keyboard. If anyone is interested in helping bring this to Froyo, it would be much appreciated, and im sure you'd prob grab a few bucks in donations too.

To make the thread easier to navigate I will be posting all new info on the keyboard here as it is posted throughout the thread. AND REMEMBER ALL GLORY GOES TO DANESHM90, THE ACTUAL DEV DOING THE WORK. THANKS DANESHM90!


The Droid X Keyboard features full multi-touch. This is different from the multi-touch currently enabled on 3rd party keyboards-the Droid X has the capability to hold down shift and press a letter to make a capital, ie it can do more than one key stoke at once like a physical keyboard. Pretty nice.


2.1 Eclair-based Roms:
only thing not working is auto-captilization,auto-correct errors. Dictionary works, NOW WITH VIBRATE!! Doesnt seem to work on HTC Hero GSM or CDMA...

2.2 Froyo-based Roms:
All thats not working on eclair + can't type anywhere it tries to suggest words, like the messaging body. Also voice doesnt work.


• Froyo or Bust


To install this app, you will need a file manager of your choice. Find the apk on your sd card with your file manager and install it. From there go to your system settings-->language and keyboard--> and make sure Multi-Touch Keyboard is checked. Go back to your home screen and find a text field. Long Press and hold until the pop-up menu appears, and select "input method". Choose Multi-touch keyboard. Thats it! To disable simply long press again, select input method and choose a different keyboard. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle

Screenshot of Droid X Keyboard by Andonnguyen. &Amp has been fixed in the apk, but not in this image.

originally found here:

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